Attack Detection via Dynamic Watermarking
A variety of anomaly detection schemes have been proposed to detect malicious attacks to Cyber-Physical Systems. Among these schemes, Dynamic Watermarking methods have been proven highly effective at detecting a wide range of attacks. Unfortunately, in contrast to other anomaly detectors, no method has been presented to design a Dynamic Watermarking detector to achieve a user-specified false alarm rate, or subsequently evaluate the capabilities of an attacker under such a selection. We developed methods to measure the capability of an attacker, to numerically approximate this metric, and to design a Dynamic Watermarking detector that can achieve a user-specified rate of false alarms. The performance of the Dynamic Watermarking detector is compared to three classical anomaly detectors in simulation and on a real-world platform. These experiments illustrate that the attack capability under the Dynamic Watermarking detector is comparable to those of classic anomaly detectors. Importantly, these experiments also make clear that the Dynamic Watermarking detector is consistently able to detect attacks that the other class of detectors are unable to identify.
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@article{porter2019detecting, title={Detecting Generalized Replay Attacks via Time-Varying Dynamic Watermarking}, author={Porter, Matthew and Hespanhol, Pedro and Aswani, Anil and Johnson-Roberson, Matthew and Vasudevan, Ram}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.08111}, year={2019} } @article{hespanhol2019sensor, title={Sensor Switching Control Under Attacks Detectable by Finite Sample Dynamic Watermarking Tests}, author={Hespanhol, Pedro and Porter, Matthew and Vasudevan, Ram and Aswani, Anil}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.00014}, year={2019} } @inproceedings{porter2019simulation, title={Simulation and real-world evaluation of attack detection schemes}, author={Porter, Matthew and Joshi, Arnav and Hespanho, Pedro and Aswani, Anil and Johnson-Roberson, Matthew and Vasudevan, Ram}, booktitle={2019 American Control Conference (ACC)}, pages={551--558}, year={2019}, organization={IEEE} } @inproceedings{hespanhol2018statistical, title={Statistical Watermarking for Networked Control Systems}, author={Hespanhol, Pedro and Porter, Matthew and Vasudevan, Ram and Aswani, Anil}, booktitle={2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC)}, pages={5467--5472}, year={2018}, organization={IEEE} } @inproceedings{hespanhol2017dynamic, title={Dynamic watermarking for general LTI systems}, author={Hespanhol, Pedro and Porter, Matthew and Vasudevan, Ram and Aswani, Anil}, booktitle={2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)}, pages={1834--1839}, year={2017}, organization={IEEE} }